Gifts from our partner bike shops

As the lucky staff person who gets to receive payments and keep track of volunteer hours, I see the names of all the individuals and companies who support SVBC throughout the year. Today, I’d like to call out some of the bike shops that have become great supporters of our mission in many ways.

Chain Reaction Bicycles contributes up to $2,500 per year of the amounts earned by participants in Plus3 Network, as well as 5% of the sales they make to SVBC members. (If you aren’t familiar with Plus3, check it out at Sign up for free and log your exercise to contribute. Chain Reaction’s donation is based on the amounts of exercise logged towards SVBC.)

Memberships are sold on our behalf by Palo Alto Bicycles and Bicycle Outfitter. This not only generates revenue for us, but even more important, publicizes SVBC and garners more support for our programs and advocacy. And let's not forget the discount they then give to those new members!

Sports Basement Sunnyvale also gives SVBC 5% of purchases by members to SVBC, in addition to a 10% discount.

Mike’s Bikes, another SVBC member discounter, gave us many Chinook Books (coupon books geared to “green” businesses) to give out as perks to our dedicated volunteers.

James Lucas of Calmar Bicycles contributes to SVBC by participating as a member of the Board of Directors in addition to providing SVBC members a discount.

Why are bike shops helping us out? Or mission is to enable more people to ride bikes by improving conditions for bicyclists. Getting more bikes on the road is not just good for society – it’s good for business!

See all the perks offered by local shops to SVBC members at




Call to Artists: Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition’s People-Powered Art Exhibition