Call to Artists: Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition’s People-Powered Art Exhibition

“Cycle tracks will abound in Utopia.” – H.G. Wells

“To see that wheel turning was very soothing, very comforting. I liked the idea of having a bicycle wheel in my studio.” – Marcel Duchamp

Since its invention, the bicycle has served as transportation, inspiration, and tool for revolution. In a modern world facing global warming, oil wars, and economic crisis, the bicycle and other self-powered modes of transportation are increasingly important as means of keeping society healthy, safe, and connected. More than toys or transportation, the bicycle and its motor-less brethren can soothe, inspire, and provoke.

Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition (SVBC), non-profit bicycle advocates for Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties, announce a call to artists for an exhibition to take place at Art Ark Gallery and coincide with the South First Friday art walk on the 4th of May. SVBC will curate the show, which will feature two- and three-dimensional artworks exploring bicycles, walking, running, skateboarding, scootering, somersaulting, and other creative forms of people-powered transport. The show will emphasize bicycles – which we feel have the power to transform our community into a healthier, friendlier place – but will include works that reference many types of self-propelled mobility.


Work may be two- or three-dimensional, freestanding, pedestal, or wall-mounted. In addition to representative work, we are also seeking actual bicycles, tricycles, scooters, etc., which have been made beautiful, funky, outrageous, humungous, miniature, or otherwise expressive. Tall bikes, scrapers, and custom cruisers are encouraged. Work may be listed for sale – neither the gallery nor SVBC will take a commission. All sales must be conducted directly by the artist or an authorized representative. Accepted work will be installed during the week of April 28-May 3 and remain on display until May 18. Work will also be on display for SVBC’s “Bike Away From Work Bash” to be held at the Art Ark Gallery on Bike to Work Day, May 10.


Up to three works may be submitted. Digital images of each work should be submitted by email or on CD/DVD. Images should be high quality, preferably 300dpi. Please indicate YOUR NAME, the TITLE, and the name of the detail (if any) in the file name – for example “heyne-bicycle sculpture-closeup.jpg.” Attach or include a separate DOC, DOCX, or PDF file that provides a brief description of the work(s), including size. PROPOSALS WILL ALSO BE ACCEPTED, IF THE WORK WILL BE COMPLETED BEFORE THE MAY 4 SHOW DATE.

  • By email:
  • By mail: Colin Heyne
    Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition
    1922 The Alameda, Suite 420
    San José, CA 95126

All submissions must be received no later than Wednesday, March 7, at 5:00 pm PST. Accepted works will be subject to a $10 exhibition fee, which helps keep this great community space running smoothly. Please contact Colin Heyne with any questions at (408) 287-7259, ext. 224 or

To learn more about Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, please visit

To learn about the Art Ark Gallery, please visit


Gifts from our partner bike shops


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