San José bike update

City of San José staff is studying converting lanes on 3rd, 4th, 10th, and 11th Streets through downtown from motor vehicle lanes to bike lanes! I had mentioned several months ago to Department of Transportation leadership that San José is already falling behind on implementing the goals in their recently adopted bike plan--and that they had the power to make significant things happen even without significant funding... all they need to do is convert under-utilized motor vehicle lanes to buffered bike lanes. Of course--you'll need to join SVBC at the future public comment meetings to make sure that the city is able to move forward with this projects--watch our website for details.

At the Downtown Parking Board meeting yesterday, DOT Deputy Director Manuel Pineda gave us an update on the Bicycling, Walking, Transit and Streetscape Programs and Plans. There was some additional exciting news:

  • * San Fernando green bike lanes are funded and going in soon between Diridon Station and 11th street. Furthermore, due to our comments, DOT is striping them right up to the crosswalks at intersections--no more dashed lines where a cyclist is most vulnerable. The lanes will be 5-6' wide with a minimum 2' buffer between the lanes and the adjacent traffic lane. This project will also include the utilization of new signalization controls designed to sense bicyclists in some high tech way. Thanks to Councilmember Liccardo's vision for amping things up for downtown cyclists!
  • * Significant improvements to the bikeway along Park Avenue into downtown are funded and moving forward. This is a critical gap closure that SVBC has been working to fill for years.
  • * Also funded is a street scape project on the south side of San Carlos between Market and 4th. They will be taking auto lanes from 2 to 1 at Market, widening the sidewalk along the entire stretch, planting street trees, and dedicating several entire parking spots to artsy bike parking.

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