Local leaders praise San José trails in magazine feature

A pair of local leaders - Silicon Valley Leadership Group CEO Carl Guardino and Santa Clara County Supervisor Ken Yeager - were featured in a recent article in Eucalyptus Magazine, in which they discussed their great daily bike commutes on Santa Clara County trails. Regarding his car-free commute, Guardino says "It is a great and healthy way to start and end each day—burning carbs rather than carbon, getting some exercise, and enjoying the beauty of the Los Gatos Creek Trail."

Supervisor Yeager is one of the many converts to bike commuting as a result of Bike to Work Day. Says the Sup': "I participated in the annual Bike to Work Day and I was hooked. The experience taught me that I could make my commute part of my exercise routine and help me train for triathlons."

It's great to hear that some local leaders are both enjoying the hard work of Silicon Valley bicycle advocates and proudly setting an example for other movers and shakers in the area. Next time you hear somebody say they're too busy at work to ride a bike, point them to this article!


San José bike update


Left Coast Live seeks bike parking attendants