Get the bike advocacy summit you want

Okay, brainstorming session everybody! Some of you might recall the 2011 Silicon Valley Bike Advocacy Summit. It was a pair of community get-togethers where advocates and government agency folks heard some of our area's best transportation and development experts speak about topics like bike planning, transportation-oriented development, corporate cycling support, and more. It was a first for Silicon Valley, and we were proud of the turnout and the valuable conversations started at the Summit. Still, there's always room for improvement.

That's where you come in! Hit up the comment section below and let me hear who you would like to talk and what you want to learn about. Do you want to hear the wonky details of bicycle planning? Are you interested in state-level issues? Is there a dreamy keynote speaker you'd love to see? Let me hear it, so we can make the 2012 Summit live up to your expectations.

We're going to stick to one central location this time, so we want to pack the event full of the most appealing, interesting, and worthwhile speakers and topics. Ultimately, this event is for you - the concerned, involved, engaged cyclist - so help us give you what you need. Comment away!


A week in the life of your ED


Get a job: Bay Area Bicycle Coalition Event Director