A week in the life of your ED

Wow, it's been an action packed week! Here are some of the highlights:

  • * I joined agency folks and advocates at Supervisor Groom's Active San Mateo conference to lead a lunchtime session focused on moving bike-related policy forward in San Mateo County.

  • * I spent 5 hours meeting with a CPA to update our bookkeeping system. I'm sure this is the stuff you all envy. Good news: our books are already in great shape, just a few recommended changes that will streamline things. Then I spent several hours creating a spreadsheet that will automatically tabulate total project costs for each programmatic area from staff timesheets. Thrilling, I know.
  • * I worked with California Bicycle Coalition (CBC) Executive Director Dave Snyder to craft a draft official affiliation agreement between CBC and local groups. We met with SFBC ED Leah Shahum and Membership Director Kate McCarthy to get their feedback. Later, I presented my proposal on how to move forward to the CBC Board of Directors.
  • * I joined TransForm major donors and staff at their major donor appreciation event, where I was introduced as their new board chair and had a chance to talk about the great work that they do across the Bay Area.
  • * I attended the Bay Area Bicycle Coalition advocacy committee meeting to support our work on Plan Bay Area. Then Colin and I met with Commissioner Tissier to discuss our platform and how Plan Bay Area can be adapted to better encourage cycling.
  • * I met repeatedly with the steering committee for the upcoming Stanford Bike Safety Summit, which will bring together leaders in law enforcement, trauma doctors, transportation agency staff, and the bicycle community to address safety issues.
  • * I attended the Caltrans District 4 Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting, where we received a report on the Bay Bridge west span bike/ped path. I was also able to discuss potential street closures on El Camino for San Mateo County's Streets Alive with their Deputy Director of Encroachment.
  • * I went to visit Bruce Hildenbrand, our fearless Annual Dinner moderator and bike race announcer extraordinaire to discuss the program for our annual dinner. Bruce had a bad crash recently in France but is pulling through in good spirits.
  • * I met with the Director of San Jose Jazz to discuss creating a fundraising ride in conjunction with the SJ Jazz Festival.
  • * And of course, I met with the SVBC staff on a number of projects, on topics as varied as our youth bicycle education program and final logistics for our Annual Dinner.

Bicycles are tamed at youth bike rodeo


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