Congratulations to all the Team and Company Bike Challenge Winners

Another amazing Bike Month has concluded and the results of the Team Bike Challenge and Company Bike Challenge have been finalized. Congratulations to all the participants who took part in this month-long event, but as always there can only be a few at the top. Here is a list of all the top performers.

Team Bike Challenge Winners:

Santa Clara County - Team Endurance from Tesla Motors Inc

San Mateo County - Team Blekko from Blekko

Company Bike Challenge:

Large Companies
First - Apple Inc.
Second - SunPower Corporation
Third - Cisco Systems

Medium Companies
First - Specialized Bicycles
Second - Sun Light and Power
Third - REI Berkeley

Small Companies
First - kW Engineering
Second - Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies
Third - QuEST

Thanks again to the thousands of participants that made this another great Team and Company Bike Challenge. To view the complete list of standings, visit


Greenbelt's Grow Smart Bay Area


Patagonia Bike to Work Week