Successful Bike Safety Fair in Redwood City


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Practicing bike skills in the open road. Photo credit Caryl Gay.

Congratulations to the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Redwood City for their successful Bike Safety Fair on Sunday. The event was their contribution to's global work party scheduled for 10/10/10 to address the problem of climate change. There were 7,347 events worldwide and quite a few in San Mateo County, but the Bike Safety Fair was the only event in San Mateo County that promoted biking as part of the solution.


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The doctor is in. Photo credit Caryl Gay.

The volunteer organizers went all out and arranged for bike repair and maintenance demonstrations, as well as two LCI-led presentations focused on bike safety - one targeted to a general audience and the other directed to parents and children. A section of the street was closed so that children of all ages could practice a variety of biking skills in a safe, but realistic setting. It was great to see the kids develop essential skills such as quick braking, scanning to the rear, and using hand signals. was on hand to provide bike safety and route information and to distribute all their great bike swag to participants. The organizers counted about 50 bikes at the fair, so great job in spreading the word about biking for everyday transportation!


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