Trek makes tractors?

So John Deere may not see the market for Trek tractors but hey, this is the Silicon Valley, land of innovation; right. Talk about your San Jose 'Green' Vision. Imagine that instead of going to the gym and putting on your lycra to "spin", you hopped on down to your neighborhood farm, put on your overalls and worked a plow.

Ok, so the photo shows some guy on a motorcycle tractor, but imagine what a bicycle inspired tractor would look like. Well here is your chance to help out artists and farmers at the same time. We are looking for SVBC members or other cyclists in the community who would be willing to lend bicycles that would be used as part of a local art exhibition in conjunction with the San Jose Museum of Art.

Kristen Evangelista, the Associate Curator for the Museum of Art, is looking for at least three bikes. The bikes could be a mix of road bikes and mountain bikes. Ideally, the tow bike would be a “beefier” model that could be hitched to an “Xtracycle arm.” The bicycles would need to be on view for the duration of the exhibition (July 22, 2010 – February 6, 2011). Kristen realizes that this is fair amount of time but hey, that's why she came to us! How many out there have more than one bike that they could part with for a bit?Bike_tractor.jpg

So, let's all show Kristen how great the Silicon Valley farming... I mean cycling community is by lending them a bike for a few months (they have promised to return it in one piece). She would (Deere)ly appreciate you help.

Kristen can be reached by email at

Please note: No one was hurt in the writing of these (corn)y farm puns.


Colorado town's complete ban on cycling draws national attention


SVBC represented at Velo-city Global 2010 - Copenhagen