San José trails report

The latest from the City of San José Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services:


Construction of the Guadalupe River Trail from Woz Way to Virginia Street is moving along, with work completed to the 20% stage. Most grading is now complete. Recent photos from the job site are posted at:

Construction also continues at the Lower Silver Creek Trail site, along Silverstone Place, between Foxdale Drive and Ocala Avenue. Grading has commenced within the PG&E lines. The built project will offer a meandering path through a landscaped parcel, and link to future planned trail development.

Upcoming Construction
Construction of the 6.4 mile Lower Guadalupe River Trail system will likely commence late in 2010. We have developed our construction documents to the 95% stage and are awaiting final review of our documents and environmental reports. Once we received, we’ll proceed with completing the construction documents and bid the construction contract. Once a schedule is known for construction, we will reach out to SVBC and local media at the earliest point possible to make the trail community aware of the duration of construction closures.

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