Help ViaVelo get viral

No, silly, I don't mean that you should spread infection! I'm referring to the new interweb phenomenon known as the Facebook. The Mattson Technology ViaVelo now has a Facebook event page to let people know all about the awesomeness that will soon overtake downtown San José. Check out the new page and then spread it to all your friends as you would cheer, happiness, or mononucleosis.

Help us spread the word about this super-fun event. It would be a real shame if we went to all the trouble of closing the street, organizing activities, and renting a real live fire-breathing dragon* only to have nobody show up. This thing is going to be big, folks, and you're going to help make it that way! So get rid of the gloves, ditch the soap, and help us spread the word about ViaVelo. You know, I think this Facebook dealy has the potential to become a popular thingamajig!

*Note - actual mythical creatures may differ from those advertised.


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