Caltrain needs feedback on draft Access Program Policy

Caltrain is really reaching out to the bicycling and walking communities lately. You might recall that the agency recently solicited members for their new bicycle advisory committee. Now, Caltrain is soliciting input on a draft Caltrain Comprehensive Access Program Policy. The plan looks at ways to promote increased ridership through greater access to stations by walking, biking, and transit.

The draft policy can be accessed by clicking the following link:

From Caltrain:

The policy framework outlines strategies for shifting the modes of transportation access from auto trips to sustainable options, including walk, bike and transit. Adoption of the Access Policy is the first step to developing a full access program which will include:

-Access Policy Statement
-Access Strategic Plan
-Access Capital Improvement Program
-Access Monitoring Program

Please see more detailed description of the purpose and key program components in a presentation on the Access Program by clicking on the following link:

Caltrain is seeking input on the draft policy by April 29, 2010. Comments or questions can be directed to or by writing Caltrain Access Program, 1250 San Carlos Ave., San Carlos, CA 94070.

Take a gander at the proposed policy and let them know that you support their efforts to promote green transportation!


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