Tragedy in Los Gatos

As many of you may have heard, a cyclist was struck and killed by an SUV in Los Gatos on Monday, February 1. The victim was Joshua West, a 28 year old single father and car-free resident of Los Gatos. At SVBC we find this news deeply saddening, and we know from the many emails we have received that the cycling community at large is shocked and saddened by this tragedy.

We'll refrain from posting all the details of the accident here. For those who want to learn more about the collision, please visit the Mercury News website.

Perhaps the most upsetting detail of this tragedy is the fact that West leaves behind a young daughter. You can help brighten Brianna's future a bit by contributing to the account set up in her father's honor. An account has been set up for the "Joshua West Memorial Fund" at Wells Fargo Bank. Donations can be made at any Wells Fargo branch, account No. 8659223930. All funds will go to Brianna.

More reporting on the fatality at:



UCLA Professor Donald Shoup to speak in San Jose - this Wednesday, February 24th at San Jose City Hall


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