SVBC works to enhance Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) projects in the Bay Area have recently gotten a shot in the arm. SVBC, together with the Bay Area Bicycle Coalition, worked with the Metropolitan Traffic Commission (MTC) to secure SRTS funding in the Commission’s recent "Climate Action Plan." There is $17 million available for SRTS projects across the Bay Area, with $1.43 million and $4.04 million going to San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties, respectively. Distribution of funds was based on K – 12 school enrollment in the various counties.

At this point, SVBC finds itself involved in discussions with various agencies in both counties, including health departments and transportation officials. We have been invited to serve on task forces for both the San Mateo City/County Association of Governments (C/CAG) and the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) in Santa Clara County. Because of the relatively limited amount of funds, spending will be most effective in the areas of outreach, education, and coordination between multiple involved agencies. Though improved infrastructure is desirable, this round of funding is just not suitable for such an endeavor.

Please leave comments below to share with us your suggestions on how this funding can be used to improve safe access to school for walking and cycling students. SVBC will bring the input to the VTA and C/CAG task forces to ensure that the most is made out of this great opportunity.


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