Join your local Bike to Work Day subcommittee

Preparations for Bike to Work Day involve lots of work - and lots of fun. If you are an SVBC member who would like to be involved in coordinating the biggest bicycle event of the year, you are invited to join a Bike to Work Day subcommittee in your county.

Our San Mateo County members have already gotten the ball rolling; their subcommittee meets the first Thursday of each month, from 6:00 to 7:00, before the Peninsula Committee meeting, in Redwood City.

In Santa Clara County, we are currently seeking interested parties. If you would like to serve on the Santa Clara County Bike to Work Day subcommittee, let us know. A meeting time and location will be established once we have more information from likely members.

As a member of a Bike to Work Day subcommittee, you will aid in strategizing and coordinating Bike to Work Day efforts including publicity, poster distribution, Bike Commuter of the Year nominees, volunteer drives, and more. To sign up or learn more, contact Jen Brecheen at


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