Point and shoot for San Jose trails

A few photography contests are headed toward their December due dates. The Adventure Cycling Association, the Alliance for Biking and Walking, and the American Trails Organization all want your finest photos of bicycling, walking, and trails. Prizes range from publication to a tantalizing Tuscan tour. Click through for the details.

From San Jose Trails:



  • Do you like biking and taking photos? Three photography contests are underway with great prizes and recognition.
  • The Adventure Cycling Association is asking for your best bike travel photos by December 31, 2009. Your winning photograph will be seen by millions in the organization’s magazine and on their web site. San Jose has 53 miles of trails for you to enjoy and make the subject of your prize-winning entry! For more information, visit:
  • The Alliance for Biking and Walking is offering an all-expense-paid bike tour of Tuscany for your best biking and walking photograph. Get into the spirit and enjoy some of San Jose’s Tuscan-like landscapes as you take your best photograph along one of San Jose’s 24 trail systems. Be sure to enter before the December 11, 2009 deadline.
  • The American Trails Organization is seeking great photographs of National Recreational Trails (NRT). San Jose just secured NRT designation for the Guadalupe River, Highway 237 Bikeway and Coyote Creek Trails (between Highway 237 and Montague). Your award-winning photograph needs to be taken along one of these trail systems and submitted by December 15, 2009. Imagine capturing amazing photos of the Guadalupe River Trail through downtown San Jose, along the meandering banks of the Lower Guadalupe River, or even the highly urban setting offered by the Highway 237 Bikeway.
  • Best of luck and let’s make San Jose’s trails the subject of award winning photographs!
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