Happy birthday, San Jose Bike Party!

The San Jose Bike Party celebrated its second anniversary as only SJBP can - they organized a ride with some 4,000 riders. The ride was themed "Dia de los Muertos" and participants were encouraged to dress up and decorate their bikes accordingly. Despite the massive turnout, the evening went smoothly as riders started from three different points around the city and converged to form a massive pedaling procession.

From sjbikeparty.org:

  • "Monumental. Beautiful. Well-organized. Noisy. Unbelievable. Brilliantly costumed. Poorly lit. Clean.
  • Those are just some of the words this webmaster has heard about Bike Party tonight – and for those that were keeping score, the good outweighed the bad by 3 to 1. Tonight, our second anniversary ride, struck yet another new mark in South Bay history, as four thousand riders ... hit the streets to build community through bicycling.
  • I’m proud of this city, proud of all of our riders, proud of our fantastic organizers and volunteers, and even prouder of the potential we still have to achieve. A lot of heart and soul (and sweat and lost sleep and sometimes even blood and tears) goes into these rides, and it’s showing. Things that were uncommon just a few months ago flowed smoothly tonight..."

Congratulations, Bike Party. Thanks for helping to promote the bicycle in such a fun (yet responsible) way.


Cyclist killed in Redwood City


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