SVBC's annual appeal letter sparks record-setting outpouring of generosity (we hope!)

We hope you received the SVBC annual appeal letter recently. The letter is our once-yearly mailing to ask you, our loyal members, volunteers, and supporters, to help us ensure another successful year of promoting the bicycle. Many of our efforts are supported by our terrific team of volunteers. Oftentimes, though, we also need funds to fulfill our goals and objectives. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, we are dependent upon the generosity of the public to raise most of this budget.

SVBC has proven time and again that we can make big things happen with a modest amount of funding. We thank all of you who plan to help us in our fundraising efforts this year. You may donate by returning your check in the envelope provided, or you can make a credit card donation by clicking on the donation icon on our website.


There's still time to take the San Jose Trails survey


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