Car-free June

Hello my friends,

Did you know? Throughout the month of June, TransForm is hosting the Car-Free Challenge. I've joined, and I'm heading the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition team.

Sign up here:

You should sign up, it's pretty much the coolest group of kids in town. Plus, you get to ditch your car - maybe even more than you already do. Also, money raised goes to car-free initiatives. Additionally, you can win prizes. PRIZES! Do you need more reasons? How about the fact that I bared my soul and composed a poem for the team SVBC blog? Grab some tissue and check it out:

So, in summary: Take the TransForm Car-Free Challenge as a member of team SVBC, win some prizes, be really cool, SVBC rocks.

Thank you, that is all.


Help Build Support for the New Safe Routes to School Reauthorization Bill


Ditch your auto in the TransForm Car-Free Challenge UPDATE: Team SVBC page now established