Palo Alto locals present the Bike Arc storage system

Jeff Selzer, general manager of Palo Alto Bicycles, and local architect Joe Bellomo have teamed up to create an innovative and elegant new bicycle storage system - the Bike Arc. The Arc serves the practical purpose of providing a safe place to park and lock a bicycle, while simultaneously functioning as a captivating piece of public art. Several versions are available to serve a variety of locations and needs; the Half Arc, Tube Arc, and Umbrella Arc all incorporate the original design but hold a greater number of bikes, provide greater weather protection, or a combination of the two.

The duo has received an enthusiastic response. There are plans to install two Half Arcs in Lytton plaza, and they have received inquiries from as far away as Michigan. Recently, the Palo Alto Weekly wrote an article on the two and their creation. The write-up can be found at

SVBC salutes these intrepid designers, and thanks them for helping to promote the bicycle for everyday use. Safe, dry storage is an immeasurably important factor in making people feel comfortable using a bicycle to commute, whether for work, school, shopping, or recreation. And by making the Bike Arc so visually intriguing, Selzer and Bellomo have created a practical solution that communities will be proud to embrace.

Learn more about the Bike Arc at the team’s website,


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