City of San Jose is updating its Sign Code

The City of San Jose is planning to update its Sign Code. Currently there are signs directing motorists to freeways throughout the city, but there are no signs directing bicyclists to bike routes. Please attend one of the meetings noticed below to ask for bike route destination-based signage for all routes in the San Jose bicycle master plan and the VTA bicycle map. Ask that San Jose use the same signage concept as used in SF and Marin.

For a picture of the SF signs see, and for a map of the routes in San Francisco see

The City of San Jose is beginning a major update of the Sign Code, and they need your input. Please join them for a community discussion of signs and help them identify the key issues that should be addressed in the update.

For more information:

Sign Code Community Meetings:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 at 7 pm
Roosevelt Community Center
901 East Santa Clara Street, San Jose


Thursday, March 26, 2009 at 7 pm
Pearl Library Community Room
4270 Pearl Avenue, San Jose


New Silicon Valley Trails Organization


Caltrain - Trains with two cars