Website upgrade, new address

Observant site visitors will notice that the URL of the site has changed. We are now using the friendlier address. Not only is it less non-recursive, it is easier to remember. Please pass it along. And don't worry about all those old links, they will go to the correct pages.

But wait, there's more!

Along with the URL change we also did a major upgrade on the backend. We are now using Drupal 6, which brings stability and a lot of user-friendliness [not to mention a lot of un-hacking on my part]. A few things are changed, but it should be more or less seamless.

Now that we are up to date it is time for me to break things add new features! If you have an idea you want to share, or just something that has been bothering you about the current site, stop over in the forums and talk to me. ^_^


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