Green Transportation
SVBC supports transportation modes other than single occupancy vehicles including biking, walking, transit, and micromobility devices as well as the connections between these modes.
Policy Goals:
Every city has a goal in their plan of at least 10% of trips by bike by 2025, 15-20% by 2030
Bikes + Transit: transit is accessible and convenient for people biking and walking
Planning for New Mobility
Every city has bike & scooter share available and it is part of one connected system throughout the Bay Area 3 w/a focus on equity
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) and transportation network companies (TNCs) operate safely and at high capacity (see NACTO policy)
Every city has an Open Streets event regularly
Every city has a Safe Routes to School program
There is secure and frequent bike/micromobilityparking (x number of bike parking spaces per square mile?)
Every city has a bike valet policy: require bike valet at events above a certain size
mandatory bike parking facilities at a minimum of one space per housing unit/one per employee
Reduce the convenience and affordability of car parking
Reduce the convenience and affordability of single-occupancy vehicle driving
Cities and employers have Transportation Demand Management (TDM) plans and Transportation Management Associations for key areas so that single occupancy vehicles are discouraged and alternatives are encouraged
Prioritize public right of way for moving people over vehicle storage
Improve schedule and fare coordination of multiple transit providers (including bike and scooter share) throughout region to improve transit experience
Biking routes to transit are safe and comfortable
Secure bike parking at transit stations
Station Area Plans prioritize non-car mode share, secure bike parking, and access
No cars/delivery trucks/uber/lyft blocking bike lanes4 and there is a mechanism to submit a complaint to companies (App) 5
Designated drop-off/pickup points for TNCs or curb space management plans
Replace car parking spot with micromobility device parking and charging (personal or shared)
On-street parking for cars is removed and other parking is consolidated
Unbundled parking in new developments/parkingcashout6
No free parking anywhere (downtowns, businesses) – needs to be city/county ordinances
No parking minimums7/adopt parking maximums as part of developer requirements
No new parking garages and invest in encouraging other modes
Congestion pricing
No highway expansion
Trip caps in key geographic areas/major employment centers (PA, MV, N. SJ)
Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled
Transportation mode share
Bikes + Transit
Open Streets
Planning for New Mobility
Safe Routes to School
Bike-Friendly Development Guidelines
Bike Valet Factsheet