Campbell BPAC August 2017 Update

Editor's note: Thanks to BPAC member Laura Smith for her continued reporting from the front lines of Campbell bicycle and pedestrian policymaking!Virginia Avenue Sidewalk Project is complete with excellent results. The next neighborhood focus is near Rosemary Elementary School specifically the intersection of Eden Avenue and Rosemary Lane. There is flooding here even though French drains exist at the intersection. Also there are no sidewalks along some of the streets that lead to Rosemary School. The project involves both cities of San José and Campbell. Some money for the project has already been approved (Measure B) and other grant money has been applied for. There should be more details available at the September Campbell BPAC meeting. (For more details currently available, see Jasmine Leyva's report in the Campbell Reporter, April 28th, 2017).San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail Feasibility Study: This project is still in the early stages. There are some funds for design but none for construction. Currently under consideration is Phase 1 which is a trail from Westmont High School to Virginia Avenue. Of major concern is the pedestrian bridge that spans Salacci Avenue to Forest Hills Middle School. The City is working with the Water District to resolve this issue.Bascom Corridor Complete Streets Study. This project involves VTA, city of San Jose, city of Campbell and the neighbors along Bascom Avenue from the Bascom-Forest and Rose Garden area, through the Pruneyard area in Campbell down to the Good Samaritan Hospital area. Neighbors along this 6 mile corridor had many concerns: the distance between crosswalks. lack of sidewalks, reducing traffic lanes from 6 to 4, safely concerns around both Del Mar High School and Farnham Elementary School. Others suggested more trees for shade and scenery and signage for Los Gatos Creek Trail. This is a big project involving many jurisdictions. More community meetings are scheduled and city planners are also working on the project. (For more details, see Julia Baum's article in the Campbell Reporter, June 23, 2017)

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