Bike Summit Virtual Swag Bag

Check out what Bike Summit Sponsors and Partners have Prepared for You!

Visit BAAQMD’s Spare the Air Virtual Booth  to learn more about:

  • Spare the Air

  • The Air District

  • All About Air Quality

🚲 Free Ride Coupon! 🚲

Good for: One Free Bay Wheels Classic Bike Ride or eBike Unlock (per minute fees apply) $3.99 value

Location: San Jose

Expires: August 31, 2024


Make it Count!

Eco-Counter specializes in active transportation data solutions to promote network growth, plan new facilities, and measure impacts of new infrastructure and events.

See how cycling trends have evolved throughout the world with Eco-Counter's Cycling Data Tracker.

Thank you to all of the Bike Summit Sponsors!