The San Carlos / Belmont Local Team is composed of people who live, work, play or ride along in the cities of San Carlos and Belmont. There’s a lot happening in the biking world in both cities, from a new pedestrian and bicycle over-crossing of 101, to developing a downtown plan in San Carlos to implementing the bike master plan in Belmont. We need your help to create more spaces for people in our beautiful peninsula cities!
The local team formed out of a partnership between SVBC and San Carlos Bikes. We’re expanding the team to Belmont. More people = more pedal power!
Visit for more information
about what’s happening for bikes and feet in the area
Find the team on Instagram, and Facebook
Email the team lead:

Recent Successes!
Family Bike Care & Safety Fair
In January 2022, over 150 children and adults participated in the first-ever Week of the Family Bike Care & Safety Fair at Central Middle School blacktop, and over 100 joined for the first Week of the Family “Tour de Family” community ride through San Carlos.
Bike Month Energizer Station & Free Bike Parking Provided
Hometown Days, May 2022
Growing the team
This year we’re focused on getting organized into a strong team in San Carlos & Belmont. There are so many people doing great work on so many aspects of liveable communities in the cities. Come join us!
More Bike Parking!
Team Leads
Sonia founded San Carlos Bikes in 2017. She’s a passionate advocate for all modes of active transportation in San Carlos and the surrounding area. As a mother of four, she’s working hard to get the city to build infrastructure in San Carlos that provides safe routes to school for every child. Sonia also works part-time at Chain Reaction Bicycles, so she can be on the ground level of getting more folks on bikes.
We’re looking for a Belmont co-lead. Know someone? Maybe you?
Let us know!