North San Mateo County Local Team
The SVBC North San Mateo County Local Team is composed of people who live, work, play or ride along the cities of Daly City, San Bruno, Brisbane, Colma and South San Francisco. The team meets and rides regularly to work on campaigns to make walking and biking safer in the area.
Join the online discussion about bike issues in these cities through this email group: North San Mateo County team.
“The team is in need of members residing in North San Mateo County to help increase team capacity and effectively advocate for improved bicycle infrastructure.”
Learn about the team’s priorities and see where you can contribute
SVBC’s local team structure relies on super volunteers to bring people together, leveraging experiences and knowledge of their respective communities to identify ways to work together and create safer communities for all.
The team is in need of members residing in North San Mateo County to help increase capacity and effectively advocate for improved bicycle infrastructure.
Not sure how much time you can contribute? We understand life happens and keeps us all very busy. Take this survey HERE to help us find a role that meets your goals and availability. Our team leads will do their best to find a place for you!
The Local Team’s Plans to Improve Safety and Bicycle Infrastructure
Vision Zero Policy adoption by councils in every city and town in North San Mateo County.
Protected bike lanes and intersections on El Camino Real.
Working with school districts in the City of South San Francisco and other cities to create Safe Routes programs.
Improving safe access across Highway 101 and Caltrain.
Extending the Centennial Trail in both directions to connect communities to neighboring cities.
Meet the Local Team Leader
Jules Brouillet joined the North SMC team in February 2021 and has been involved in bike advocacy with us ever since! Jules has been a bike commuter since childhood and served on the BPAC for the city of San Bruno. He now works as a teacher at South San Francisco Unified. Amongst his multiple other hats, he started a political club – Peninsula Young Democrats –and has been a board member of the Peninsula Democratic Coalition. He is excited to bring his team building skills and passion for better bike infrastructure in his role as a team leader!
Join us on a Social Ride
The North San Mateo County Local Team works diligently to advocate for safer streets and better bike facilities, but there is always time for fun!
North County has many scenic terrains and trails to enjoy. Join us for a social ride to meet people who love bikes as much as you do. And don't forget to bring a friend!
Have an idea for a ride? Join the team and sign up for SVBC's ride leader training to learn how to safely lead large groups.