In Case you Missed it! Podcast of Tamika’s Talk

This year at the Bike Summit, we kicked things off with a presentation by Tamika Butler, former Executive Director of the LA County Bicycle Coalition entitled, “Transportation Advocacy as Anti-Oppression Work.” Her keynote was followed by a panel on the intersection of vision zero, enforcement, and equity and featured some great exchanges between Eddie Garcia, San Jose’s Chief of Police, Tamika, Leon Beauchman with AT&T, and Bena Chang at the City of San Jose’s Department of Transportation.

Based on the evaluation forms, we learned that you all loved Tamika’s opening remarks, overwhelmingly. That said, a handful of people said they had a hard time drawing a connection between bike advocacy and equity. You said, hey, Tamika said some really important things but I didn’t understand the connection to bikes. We take that as a piece of work for us – to help folks better understand the link between equity and bike advocacy. For that reason we’ll be writing more frequently on this topic.

In the meantime enjoy the podcast of Tamika’s presentation here. And, thank you to one of Silicon Valley’s most wonderful, hard working bike advocates, Diane Solomon for putting together the podcast.


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