Celebrating SVBC’s 2023 Volunteers and Supporters at the Annual Winter Party

See scenes below from Saturday afternoon’s Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition annual Winter Party, celebrating the contributions of SVBC volunteers, donors and many other friends and supporters. Without you as part of SVBC, we could not pursue the work toward building healthier and more just communities by making bicycling safe and accessible for everyone.

Check out the many ways you can support SVBC.

  • A special part of the event — Calling all volunteers and supporters forward as a group, to be honored, seen in a photo below. Thank you, volunteers and supporters!

  • Another special part of the event — Presentation of the 1st annual Tim Oey-L (Wheel) Award, to Tim Oey, who retires this month from SVBC. Between a career in high tech, raising two sons with his wife, Patty, engaging on community commissions, boards, riding groups, serving as a volunteer for many other nonprofits, running a Zero Waste blog packed with easily-accessible information about reducing our personal impact on the planet, and cycling across the country giving talks on climate change and pollution, Tim was also was a dedicated board member, staff, and volunteer for SVBC for 30 years. The organization would not be what it is without him. Going forward, every year a stellar volunteer will receive this award for going above and beyond with their outstanding dedication and support, with their name added to the award. Thank you, Tim!

  • Another special part of the event — We were honored when David Schorow, president of the Western Wheelers Bicycle Club, presented SVBC with its prestigious annual Lefkowitz Award. In presenting the award to SVBC Executive Director Clarrissa Cabansagan, David noted that the award, founded in 1989 by Western Wheeler member and strong bicycle advocate Ben Lefkowitz, each year recognizes service by an individual or organization which has benefitted cycling in the Bay Area. He also provided a donation to support of SVBC’s work, included as part of the award. Thank you, Western Wheelers!


Interview: Bike Movement Veteran and SVBC Co-founder Tim Oey Looks at 30 Years


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