Farewell and Warm Welcomes

Farewell to Brian Preskitt

We'd like to express our sincere appreciation for all the hard work Brian has contributed over the years. We’ve enjoyed your leadership on the San Jose Local team, your collaborative attitude, and inspiring leadership contributed to many successful campaigns which brought in strong results. Thank you for providing us with your impressive work ethic and positivity when working on complex projects. We have no doubts that you will use the same impressive amount of determination and talent toward the next opportunity you pursue. We hope that you stay in touch so we can stay updated on all the impressive accomplishments and goals you achieve.

Thank you once again for all you've done for the San Jose Local Team and SVBC. Good luck with your future endeavors!

Gratitude from SVBC to the Local Team Leads and Volunteers

We’re so appreciative of all the hard work you put in daily! We hope you know that it is recognized and greatly appreciated. It’s your dedication that contributes to our success. Thank you for inspiring us!


SVBC welcomes Robert Gonzalez in his new volunteer role as Communications/Advocacy Outreach Lead for the San Jose Local Team. Robert has a knack for collecting, compiling, analyzing, and sharing information about upcoming infrastructure projects, council memos or proposals, etc. His expertise in simplifying information will aid the San Jose Local Team in staying informed about what is taking place and how you can easily get involved in advocating for better biking infrastructure.

Jeff Boissier and Jon Williamson our new volunteer recruitment duo for the San Jose Team helping the team continue to grow and recruit members for the local team by actively engaging in the community at local events to bring in fresh members. They are naturals at community engagement and their passion to get folks on bikes will see that the San Jose Local team is full of active members.

Local Teams Positions Available

Are you interested in learning new advocacy skills and/or strengthening the ones you already have? If you would like to take a more active role in the Local Teams’ contact diana@bikesiliconvalley.org or sandhya@bikesiliconvalley.org. for more information about the following available positions: Team Lead, Notetaker, Recruitment, Communications/Advocacy Outreach, DEI person (Details TBD), Meeting Monitor, BPAC reporter, Instagram, Outreach manager, Social Ride organizer, Tabling/public outreach lead, City projects/meetings tracker, and Greeter.

Below are some definitions of the roles:

A: Meeting Leader - works with staff to set up the team agenda beforehand and helps keep the team on track to complete the meeting within 1 hr during the meeting

B: Note-taker - supports the team by taking notes during the meeting to be sent to the team later

C: Greeter - sends a welcome message on behalf of the team when a new person joins. (about once a month). Sets up a virtual coffee video with the new person to fill them in on what the team has been doing and find out what the new person wants to accomplish.

D: Outreach Volunteer- promotes the team. Shares information about the local team to like-minded organizations in town. Share posts to the local team FB page, and posts events on the local team Facebook page.

Volunteer Opportunities

If you are interested in learning more about volunteering with SVBC please contact cisco@bikesiliconvalley.org.


Ride To Clean Up Cottonwood - Sponsored by Valley Water


Calbike Summit Recap