Board Announcement: Executive Director

It is with a mix of absolute gratitude, appreciation, and also sadness that the Board of Directors acknowledges that Shiloh Ballard is leaving her role as Executive Director of SVBC. Since 2015, Shiloh has played a critical role in the growth and undeniable success of the organization. She has laid a strong foundation for her successor with an impressive Strategic Plan (an achievement that sets the tone for the next 5 years of SVBC’s work), brilliant and dedicated staff, and 10 energized local teams who are rolling up their sleeves to make San Mateo and Santa Clara cities better for bikes. 

We want to thank her for 7 years of dedicated service during which she fostered successful events and programs; from Bike-to-Wherever Day to Viva Calle to the Annual Bike Summit to Farm Box Delivery by bike. Shiloh fostered a dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion as a cultural pillar of SVBC’s work, including outreach to communities previously neglected by the bike movement. Her integrity and dedication made all of us feel proud to be a part of SVBC.

Over the next few months, the Board of Directors will be conducting a search to find the new SVBC Executive Director. During this transition period, Shiloh will continue at the helm to ensure we maintain a stable and effective organization. It is the board’s priority to find the best individual to continue the great work the organization has been doing and further unleash the power of the bike movement. We are hopeful and excited for the next chapter of SVBC as we continue our mission to build healthier and more just communities by making bicycling safe and accessible for everyone.

The job description and information related to the position are at SVBC’s website here. Please pass the job description along to any interested candidates you might know.



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