So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Good Night

As the song goes, ‘I hate to go and leave this pretty sight’. Ah, California, it’s been a lovely five years. As my wife and I head back to the frozen tundra of Minnesota, I reflect on the joys and gratitude of my time in the Golden State. The mountain trails, salty ocean air, the winter greening, the aromatic eucalyptus trees – are some of the attributes of the natural landscape I’ve come to love. But just as impactful and beautiful are the people I’ve met and the relationships I’ve developed. My departure from Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition is hard. My colleagues have become good friends and despite our physical distance these past months, we’ve supported each other with care and laughter. 

Working at SVBC has been more than just a job. I was lucky to be in a space where I could exercise my creative energy while uniting my passions of working with people and biking! It was the perfect trifecta :) All this and the benefit of working amongst colleagues who live and model many of the values SVBC was founded on. I’ve deeply appreciated the learning opportunities I was exposed to. I leave with a better understanding of the inner workings of a small non profit, the longevity of advocacy work, and the tireless efforts of fundraising. By the way, here is a link to donate to SVBC. I can vouch for the fact that your monetary donations help SVBC achieve its mission of making biking better for all. 

It’s been great fun and I feel privileged. I’ve been able to interact with people and communities across the Bay Area and I’d be remiss to not mention our supporters. SVBC’s members and volunteers are critical to continued success in making Silicon Valley a great place to bike. Keep up the good work, folks!

Now, should you find yourself in Minnesota you will discover it’s not always a frozen tundra. Minneapolis/St. Paul is often rated as one of the best biking cities in the country. So if you’re meandering through the midwest check it out! Maybe we’ll bump into one another out on the trails. Until then, be safe and happy riding!


More money for bike/ped projects in San Mateo County!


The Biketivist Forum Series kicks-off with a great start!