How Lucky We Are

Whenever I get upset about the world at large (you know, climate change, a global pandemic, systematic racism, all the things a 20-something thinks about before she hits the hay) I think of this line from the musical Hamilton: “How lucky we are to be alive right now. History is happening...”How lucky I am to be alive in a time when I can make change. That’s not to say things are easy right now, or to make light of current events–I recognize there’s a lot of privilege in being able to feel lucky right now. But if you’re interested and able to shape history for the better, I’d like to invite you to join me in the Spring Membership Drive.As you already know, Bike to Work Day has been postponed to September 24. What you may not know is that about 25% of SVBC members join or renew in person on Bike to Work Day each year, and with the event postponed, one-fourth of our membership is at risk.You might find yourself asking, why does this matter right now? And I think that’s a fair question. Here are just a few reasons membership matters:

  1. Many decisions are currently being made that impact bicyclists. For example, we’re working hard to get streets closed off to traffic or at lower speed levels during the pandemic; we continue to work to protect cycling as an essential activity; and we’re continuing to organize members to weigh in on their city Bike Plans (like in Sunnyvale where folks have a once-in-a-decade opportunity to weigh in on their city’s master transportation plans).

  2. When life returns to 'normal' the bike community will still have all the same fights waiting for us to make cycling an activity that is accessible to all people and in all places.

  3. Up to one-fourth of SVBC’s membership is at stake. If our community shrinks, we will have fewer resources and political power to support this necessary work. 

Me on my bike!

If biking still matters to you, and you’re ready to be the change you want to see in the world, join me in the Spring Membership Drive. My personal goal is to bring in 10 new members–will you commit to bringing in 5?

To get started, click here, and then click on the green button that says “become a fundraiser.” I’ll be with you every step of the way, sending you a resource guide and making myself available to answer any questions you may have. 

How lucky SVBC is to have the support of a wonderful bike advocate like you.

Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you online!

-Jessica Waite, Membership & Outreach Coordinator


Need a bike/Get a bike: BikeMatchSV


May Power!