The Joy of Biking - Recipes For Success

With Spring on the horizon, the SVBC programs team is cooking up a busy season. Our work includes youth education, social rides, commuter workshops, bike parking and more! Needless to say, we work tirelessly as we build up to Bike to Work Day and beyond. We strive to infuse all we touch with the joys of biking - whether it be for work, school, recreation, or errands - we promise, biking can bring health to you - mentally, physically and, of course, to our precious world.

Start Small and Set Realistic Goals

First, we know that getting on a bike if you're new can be daunting. Kudos to you for considering it! This is the first step. Now, set a goal to ride your bike in the next week. Pressed for time? Take your bike out on the weekend when you have flexibility. Check out the beautiful trails. When you're done, reflect on how you feel. Did you enjoy the fresh air? The sights, the sounds, the closer connection to your community? Keep making goals for yourself. For many, that first mile is really hard but the more you ride, the more you will become comfortable and confident in your abilities.

Ride With Friends and Colleagues

Chances are if you agree to ride with another person you'll follow through. We all need to figure out ways to hold ourselves accountable to our goals when we're feeling lazy and unmotivated. Find that friend who can help you do it. Oh, and if you're reading this and you're a frequent rider - reach out to someone who may need motivation. I promise, it's a mutually rewarding experience.

Ride With a Group

Learning from others is a great way to build bike confidence. People who ride often can (and will!) talk your ear off about how to best navigate and find your way. SVBC's Spring Ride Series, 'RIDESV', is a great opportunity to ride with a group. All are welcome and our rides are tailored for people who are newer to riding. We cover basic road safety topics while connecting with various communities and, of course, stopping for goodies along the way. Our first ride is on Saturday, March 14th in Gilroy - please join us! Learn more about RIDESV here.

Volunteer With SVBC

Bike people love to bring newbies into the wonderful world of biking. It's true - meet any one of us for coffee and we'll go on and on about the joys of biking and why you should do it. A great opportunity to connect with more riders is to volunteer. SVBC has a lot of opportunities to engage - bike parking, office help, support on Bike to Work Day and more. Do something new for yourself - we'd love to meet you!

Get Ready for Bike to Work Day 2020!

Is your 2020 vision to make a healthy change for yourself? Bike to Work Day is Thursday, May 14th and you have a lot of time to prep for it. The focus of the day is to get more people out of their cars and onto their bikes. We know there are obstacles - kids, distance, time, prep - but if you start planning now, you could probably make it happen. Join thousands of others on this day to celebrate the freedoms a bike can provide from the doldrums of congested traffic. Phone a friend, make a commitment and relish the joys of biking! 


Gnats in Your Teeth and the Power of the Pledge


San José City Council Approves $6.8M Vision Zero Plan