It's A Sign!

The signs are everywhere - seriously, they really are! Valley Water District signs, that is – about 40,000 of them!Signs are awesome. They let us know where to go, what to avoid, and often provide interesting facts about our environment. However, they’re only helpful if they’re in good condition. This is where you can help!SVBC has partnered with the Valley Water District to create a “scavenger hunt.” This fun activity will help Valley Water target the signs that need fixing or replacing.  Through a handy app, you’ll snap photos of Valley Water signs you find, note their condition, and boom – you’ve just helped make the outdoors more fun and a lot safer!We’re running a kick-off hunt from October 20 through November 2. Be an early adopter – fill out this quick registration form and we’ll send you the link for the Survey123 app along with instructions on how to document your finds.There will be cool prizes for folks who submit the most entries, so sign up early, get out there with your friends and family, and hunt down those signs!


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