Campbell BPAC November 2018 Update

Editor’s note: Thanks to BPAC Chair Carmen Lynaugh for her dispatches from the front lines of Campbell bicycle and pedestrian policymaking! Want to learn more about your city's Bike and Pedestrian Advisory Committee? Click here.

November 28, 2018 Update from the City of Campbell BPAC

Written by Carmen Lynaugh, City of Campbell BPAC Chair

San Tomas Aquino Creek Trail:  Campbell City Council at their August 21, 2018 approved the alignment for Reaches 1 & 2, and approved moving forward with completing the environmental assessment including CEQA and preliminary design for only these reaches. The approved alignment for Reaches 1 & 2 is along the top of bank of San Tomas Creek between Westmont Ave. and San Tomas Aquino Road (bend).  With the completion of this phase of work it will assist the City in getting future grants and other funding to move the project into construction phase. Campbell is working with the City of San Jose due to a portion of the project being in the San Jose jurisdiction.

Dell Avenue Bike Lane/Bike Route Project:  Staff has secured TDA funding to install bike lanes and sharrows on Dell Avenue between East Sunnyoaks Ave. and Knowles Dr. and on Hacienda Ave. between Winchester Blvd. and Dell. The work will consist of installing bike lanes where the street width allows for their installation and sharrows where the width is insufficient to support a bike lane.  Additional signage will be installed to inform drivers of the new installation and to educate them as to “Share the Road”.

Eden Avenue Sidewalks:  This project will install sidewalks on the east side of Eden Ave. across from Rosemary Elementary School.  The project will provide a necessary safe route to the school.  The PS&Es are completed and awaiting City Council approval for the project. Once approval is given staff may put the project out for bids, this is anticipated in the spring with a summer construction in 2019.

Harriet Avenue Traffic Calming Project: This project will include the installation of speed humps; bulb-out sidewalks and a pedestrian hybrid beacons system at McCoy Ave. The project will also include green bike lanes with painted buffer marks. The PS&E are completed and the project will be bid in the spring for summer construction in 2019.


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