Feet are the New Wheels: Walking School Bus

Imagine how great you’d feel if you biked or walked with friends on a sunny morning, filled with the crisp scent of the autumn air while checking out the colorful leaves. Then, imagine how this journey would put a smile on your face all day and give your brain an energy boost - sounds great, doesn’t it?On October 25, about a dozen kids got to make this scene a reality in the year’s first “Walking School Bus” at Luigi Aprea Elementary in Gilroy. A Walking School Bus is a group walk for students, led by trained volunteers, from a designated meetup point to the front of the school. It’s a great way for kids to walk to school safely, and helps parents who want to avoid the stress of driving in school drop-off traffic jams. Additionally, getting to school on foot is a great way for kids to get exercise.Two Luigi Aprea dads led the effort, getting the word out to students about the event and creating the route. Some kids knew each other, while others made fast friends as they chatted happily about the cool posters they got to carry while sporting stickers declaring “I’m a Walk & Roll Star.”Staff from SVBC and Santa Clara County Public Health provided support, lending out reflective vests and giving a brief talk on pedestrian and bicycling safety before the group headed out. Kids from kindergarten through 5th grade participated. Many rode bikes, prompting the idea of having a “Bike Train” in addition to the Walking School Bus.Parents and kids loved the event, and are already encouraging other families to participate next month!


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