Rolling at Rod Kelley School's Bike Night

Registration paperwork, class assignments, and parent club meetings – oh, my! Despite the chaos that back-to-school season brings, the families of Rod Kelley Elementary in Gilroy found time to get together and enjoy bike-themed activities during their Back to School Picnic.Lots of girls and boys showed up with their bikes (and helmets!), ready to try out the bike skills course. It was a great way for them to learn how to get from Point A to Point B safely – from leaving a driveway, to using hand signals and looking for cross traffic at intersections. Many of them went through the course several times, proving that traveling by bike is way more fun than sitting in a car!When they weren’t turning laps on the course, several kids made their own berry-banana smoothie by turning the pedals on the bike blender – always a hit, and always fun to see them figure out how the blender bike works. A few parents took note, thinking it might be a fun family project to build their own bike blender!This is SVBC’s first year serving Rod Kelley students, and we can’t wait to support their Safe Routes to School program with bike safety education and fun events that are sure to motivate them to walk and roll to school.


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