Three Cheers for Ernesto on his Last Day at SVBC

At SVBC, we put a lot of stock into supporting our staffers in their efforts to continue their education, expand their skill sets, and take on new challenges. We believe this approach gives us a well-rounded workforce consisting of people who are constantly expanding their knowledge and can take on just about any assignment.

Unfortunately, sometimes this approach backfires when one of our stellar team members decides it’s time to push themselves even further and move onto new things. Such is the case today, when we lose our long-serving Education Program Manager, Ernesto Lizaola.

Ernesto is currently the third-longest serving member of the SVBC staff. Over the last six and a half years, he’s taken on just about every role in the office, from membership coordination, to planning Bike to Work Day and the Annual Dinner, to writing the e-Bulletin. But it was when he took the helm of our nascent youth bike education program back in 2011 that he really came into his own. His love of teaching, commitment to underserved communities, and boundless energy made him a natural at the job.

Over the last five years, Ernesto has taught thousands of kids in the classroom and on the bike from Gilroy in the south to Pacifica in the north. He has worked with schools, community centers, and libraries to bring a love of biking and understanding of safe biking practices to families across two counties. Along the way, he has inspired many people, some of whom wanted to share their memories as we wish Ernie farewell:

“Thanks Ernesto for all the help and guidance over the last couple of years. From working with you in San Mateo County to working with you in Cupertino, you always provided me with a lot of helpful advice and enthusiasm. I wish you the best with you next venture!” -Chelsea Biklen, Environmental Programs Assistant, City of Cupertino“Thanks, Ernesto, for your leadership and service to our communities. We will miss your enthusiasm for family biking and your support of Safe Routes to School for everyone.  I enjoyed working with you!” -Sylvia Star-Lack, Coordinator, Safe Routes to School, City of Palo Alto “Ernesto has been so awesome to work with!  He helped us build our district's Safe Routes program and put on some great bike education events for our students and families.  I especially loved watching him teach kids to ride without training wheels for the first time.  That's a powerful moment for kids and their parents.  Ernesto has been supportive, responsive and a great resource every step of the way.  He'll be missed!”  -Mindy Shelton, Assistant Principal, Central Middle School, San Carlos School District (and former Wellness & Safe Routes Coordinator for the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District)“Ernesto….It has been a pleasure working with you during the past 6 years through our Safe Routes to School Program. It has been great having someone so knowledgeable, helpful and insightful. Best of luck in your future activities.” -Alice Kawaguchi, RD, MPH, Health Program Specialist, Santa Clara County Public Health Dept.“Ernesto has been such a great asset to the community and the Safe Routes to School Team, providing knowledgeable expertise and passion for our safe and active communities. He will be sorely missed but the City of Salinas will be lucky to have him as part of their team. Congratulations and best of luck on your next journey!” -Alisa Arce, Thi Ngo, and Tonya Veitch, Safe Routes to School staff, Santa Clara County Public Health Department Ernesto left such an impression during the 2014 Library 2 Library Bicycle Tour that staff and customers still ask for him in 2016. Ernesto was an all-star ride marshall. He tirelessly and repeatedly rode up and down the line of 50+ cyclists checking in with everyone to gauge their energy levels and kept the group together as we pedaled from San Jose to Mountain View visiting four public libraries along the way.I will miss Ernesto's phone calls asking if he could do a bicycle safety presentation with a helmet give-away and a children's bicycle ride in conjunction with the Bay Area BikeMobile at the San Jose Public Library. As a two-wheeled, pedaling librarian, these phone calls were like winning the jackpot!Ernesto, You have given so much of yourself to the Silicon Valley/South Bay area, now you are off to share yourself with other nearby communities. You will be missed but I am sure you will soon find yourself at home and well loved in your new position. Good luck! - Michele Rowic, Librarian, Instruction and Programming Services, San Jose Public Library“Thank you Ernesto for always participating in our Safe Routes to School Meetings over the years and offering your valuable input. And a personal thank you from Cabrillo Unified School District for coming all the way out to Half Moon Bay to provide our Moonridge Community with a wonderful family biking event! Congratulations, and wishing you all the best. Salinas is lucky to have you!” -Carlene Foldenauer, Safe Routes to School Coordinator, Cabrillo Unified School District“Congratulations on your new position, Ernesto!  The City of Salinas is lucky to have hired you!  Your dedication and commitment to Safe Routes to School and your passion for educating children and families on safe walking and biking practices has enhanced many of the SRTS programs in San Mateo County.  Well done, Ernesto! I admire that you walk (or should I say, “ride”) the talk! You were one of the first people I met when I began this position and your history with the program was an immense help.  May you have many great adventures in Salinas!  Best of luck, Ernesto!” -Theresa Vallez-Kelly, MPH, Coordinator, Safe Routes to School, San Mateo County Office of Education"I feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to work Ernesto for seven years. He has incredible integrity, is both proactive and responsive to the environment, and possesses a great sense of humor. He has the ability to forge amazing connections in the community for whatever project he leads." Corinne Winter, Winter Consulting Group, former SVBC Executive DirectorOur warmest thanks go to Ernesto, and we wish him the greatest of his success in his new role. He’s not going far – he’ll be moving to Salinas, where his experience in running community programs has landed him a job as the Community Education Programs Manager for that city’s library system. Good luck, Ernie!Ann Jasper, our Education Programs Coordinator, will be assuming Ernesto’s position, leaving her position open. We are currently accepting applications, here is your chance to be part of our team!


Riding While Homeless


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