Today, Help Get More People Like Sal on a Bicycle

Today, December 1, is Giving Tuesday, a national day of giving to nonprofit organizations doing important work.Invest today in SVBC and support programs that get more people on bikes and make streets safer for everyone.Sal Alvarez, an SVBC member, decided last spring that he wanted to ride a bike for transportation. He had watched his father’s health fade and wondered, “How can I improve my health to make sure I am around a long time for my children?” An employee with the City of San Jose, Sal also realized that his meetings were generally downtown – a couple miles from each other at most – and he felt that biking made good sense.Like anyone trying something new, he had a few hurdles. He was nervous because he hadn’t been on a bike in a while, and the only bike he had wasn’t comfortable to ride. He had a lot of questions about the bike, the gear, the clothing, and his safety. Problem solver that he is, Sal asked the advice of SVBC staffers and other bike commuters. He found the right bike, realized he didn’t need special clothing, and discovered a route that could take him home safely and quickly.Now Sal rides 2-3 times per week and has lost 25 lbs. He enjoys his morning commute and is figuring out the next hurdle – riding in the dark. We have already been chatting about lights and reflective clothing.Sal is not unique. Sixty percent of people say they are interested in riding regularly but have concerns. We know that to get people out there on a bike, we must do all we can to make bike lanes better and more abundant, freeway crossings safer, and laws fair for all road users.Your contribution helps Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition continue the programs and advocacy that turn people from “interested but concerned” into regular riders. It enables us to work closely with local governments to improve road safety. And it helps us continue to grow our membership – there is power in numbers! We can accomplish a great deal as a coalition; thank you for being a part of that.Donate to SVBC for Giving Tuesday and support our mission to create a healthy community, environment, and economy through bicycling for people who live, work, or play in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties.btn_donateCC_LG


2015 Voting and Election Results


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