South San Francisco awarded bronze-level Bicycle Friendly Community

On Wednesday, December 10th, I attended the South San Francisco City Council meeting to present the city with a bronze-level Bicycle Friendly Community Award on behalf of the League of American Bicyclists.The League of American Bicyclists, founded in 1880 to advocate for better roads for bicycling, represents the nation’s 57 million cyclists in its mission to lead the movement to create a Bicycle Friendly America for everyone. Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition is an affiliated member of the League and has been working in South City on the Downtown Station Area Plan.Since 2002, the Bicycle Friendly Community program has accepted over 700 applications for designation and there are currently 326 Bicycle Friendly Communities in 50 states. South San Francisco joins San José (bronze), Santa Clara (bronze), Los Altos (bronze), Menlo Park (silver), Mountain View (silver), and Palo Alto (gold) as one of the bicycle friendly communities in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties.The following efforts of South San Francisco helped to contribute to their award:

  • The great people pushing to make South San Francisco a community that actively welcomes bicycling of all kinds,
  • Adopting the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Master Plan,
  • Funding a Safe Routes to School Program at Los Cerritos Elementary School,
  • Implementing a “road diet” and adding protected bicycle lanes to Forbes Boulevard
  • Applying sharrows on South Airport Boulevard,
  • And of course, the support of the Mayor, the City Council, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, City Departments, and citizens.

With the help of SVBC, we hope to bring South City, and the other cities in our counties, up to platinum level!


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