2014 Silicon Valley Bike Summit agenda

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9:15 am Registration10:00 am Stanford Health Care’s Dr. David Spain will welcome the audience. Introduced by Stanford Health Care’s Ellen Corman.10:15 am Opening Keynote AddressMark Fenton will start our day off by discussing the causes of and remedies for our nation’s inactivity crisis, and how we in the room can work together to address it.11:00 am Panel #1(Non)Driving Change: Getting more people on bikesBicycle advocacy has traditionally been about defending the rights of existing bicyclists. In the past decade, however, groups like Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition have been working to broaden our reach to the 60% of people who self-identify as “interested but concerned” when it comes to riding a bicycle. Getting people in this group on a bike is key to achieving our mission of creating a healthy community, environment, and economy through bicycling.How can government agencies and community organizers create a safe, comfortable, and inviting environment for people who are on the fence about bicycling? What new infrastructure, programs, or cultural movements can we employ to boost the number of people on bikes and get 10% of all trips taken by bike by 2025?Moderator: Mark FentonPanelists:

  • Janet Lafleur, advocate and blogger, One Woman. Many Bicycles.
  • Hans Larsen, Director, City of San José Department of Transportation
  • Jessica Manzi, Senior Transportation Coordinator, City of Redwood City
  • Jaime Rodriguez, Chief Transportation Official, City of Palo Alto

12:30 pm Lunch12:45 pm Lunchtime Keynote AddressMia Kohout will discuss the importance of creating cities where everyone feels comfortable riding a bike, and the benefits of quality bicycling infrastructure to businesses.1:45 pm Panel #2Topic #2: Business and Bikes: How the corporate world can move the needle on bikingIn addition to beautiful weather and a culture that supports healthy and active living, we have the benefit of a large and influential corporate community in Silicon Valley and the Peninsula. Large employers sometimes house and feed their workforces directly, and often they actively manage their transportation to and from work. This makes our area’s employers strong allies in our work to get more people on bikes.How can our area’s employers encourage sustainable transportation choices, such as bicycling, that promote health, protect the environment, and alleviate traffic? In addition to on-campus amenities and programs, how can corporations work with the communities in which they are located to improve the overall environment for bicycling? What are the challenges a company faces when trying to make its neighborhood more inviting for bicycling?Moderator: Kirsten Keith, Councilmember, City of Menlo ParkPanelists:

  • Michael Alba, Global Transportation Program Manager, LinkedIn
  • April Economides, President, Green Octopus Consulting
  • Jeral Poskey, Program Manager, Transportation Planning, Google
  • Ariadne Delon Scott, Bicycle Program Coordinator, Parking & Transportation Services, Stanford

3:00 pm Break3:15 pmUpdate on Roadway Safety Solutions Team and new initiativesCorinne Winter, President and Executive Director, Silicon Valley Bicycle CoalitionColin Heyne, Deputy Director, Silicon Valley Bicycle CoalitionEach year, we use the Silicon Valley Bike Summit as an opportunity to update the community on the work of the Roadway Safety Solutions Team (RSST), a diverse group of decision makers dedicated to making the roadways safer for all users in San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties. This year, we are excited to present on the messaging and programmatic developments that resulted from the Wheel Well Design Sprint last November – a creative exercise hosted by the RSST and the California College of the Arts Center for Art and Public Life. Audience members will also be asked to participate as we begin implementation of one of our new programs!4:30 pm Conclusion


East Palo Alto Family Biking Workshop


International Walk and Bike to School Day 2014