Open Space Measure AA is passed to provide more money for trails

Yesterday, Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District's ballot measure was officially declared to have passed. The measure will address, among other things, access to biking. Of the 25 priority projects, there are multiple that include bike trails, including improving the Stevens Creek Trail, reopening Alpine Road as a trail connection, and others. You can take a more detailed look here on their website.SVBC endorsed the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District ballot measure for the following reasons:

  • The priority project list does include projects that will help to link communities, including the Stevens Creek Trail, reopening Alpine Road as a trail connection, and the Ravenswood Bay Trail segment.
  • We support linking open-spaces, parks and communities through bicycle connections.
  • We want to encourage the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District to continue their engagement in more urban settings and providing bicycle links to preserves.
  • They are setting up an independent oversight committee which will keep them to their promises.

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