Family biking workshop in San José

On February 22nd, families from San Jose’s McKinley neighborhood gathered to enjoy a day of bicycling and fun. Through a partnership with CommUniverCity of San José, the McKinley/Bonita Neighborhood Association, and McKinley Elementary School, SVBC was able to lead a family biking workshop where adults and youth learned how to ride safely, as a family around their neighborhood. Participants had the opportunity to get their bikes inspected by volunteer mechanics from SVBC's San José Bike Clinic to ensure they were safe to ride. Many bikes got a quick tune up, while others just had some air put in their tires.Once all participants were equipped with the right safety gear, including helmets, we were off to learn what it means to be a safe bicyclist. Everyone practiced checking for traffic over their shoulder, signaling, and proper lane positioning, as well as other bike-handling drills. Then came the ride, during which families traveled on neighborhood streets, bike paths, and green bike lanes as we made our way to San José State University. At the university, participants received a short tour of the school from CommUniverCity staff, including a visit to the statue of SJSU’s 1968 Olympians. After the short visit the group made their way back to McKinley Community Center where we all enjoyed some lunch.We would like to thank our community partners who allowed us to bring the joy of bicycling to their residents around their own neighborhood. Through these efforts we hope to promote bicycling as a form or transportation, recreation, and fun that can be enjoyed by all.We are looking forward to offering more of these free family workshops in neighborhoods throughout Santa Clara and San Mateo counties. A Family Biking Workshop Request Form will soon become available on our website for cities, schools, community centers, and neighborhood groups that want to bring similar workshops to their residents.This program is funded in part by the Metropolitan Transportation Commission.


Company Bike Challenge


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