Silicon Valley Bike Summit 2013

Please join Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition and Stanford Hospital & Clinics for an in-depth discussion on ways that governments, law enforcement, and advocates can work together to create safe, welcoming environments for bicyclists.

This community-building annual event will take place on February 26, from 11:45 to 4:30, in the Schultz Cultural Arts Hall at the Oshman Family Jewish Community Center in Palo Alto. Click here to register for this great event.

We are excited to welcome our two guest speakers:

  • Mia Birk is the former Manager of the City of Portland’s Bicycle Program, where she oversaw the city’s transformation into the most bike-friendly place in the nation. She is currently an adjunct professor at Portland State University, a president of Alta Planning + Design, and the celebrated author of Joyride: Pedaling Toward a Healthier Planet.
  • Charlie Gandy, an expert in community design, founded and served as the first Executive Director of the Texas Bicycle Coalition (now Bike Texas) from 1990 to 1994. Gandy also played a lead role in bicycle infrastructure developments as the Mobility Coordinator for Long Beach California’s Bike Long Beach program and was chosen as Host Chair for the Pro Walk/Pro Bike Conference in Long Beach in September of 2012.

The event will also feature a panel of local experts and innovators who will discuss recent progress in making our roads safer for all users. The panel will discuss infrastructure, education efforts and strategies for improving the behavior of both people on bikes and people in cars.

Admission is $25. A light lunch will be provided. Scholarships are available for those to whom the cost of admission is prohibitive. Please contact to apply for a scholarship.

Registration is now open! Visit for your tickets today!


East Palo Alto Safe Routes in Peninsula Press


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