Partying in a winter wonderland
Party! Bicycleadvocacyorganizationmembership party!
Well, that was fun! Last night, SVBC hosted the biggest and most festive Winter Member Party I've seen in my four years here. There was food, beer, an auction, an awesome raffle, music, and tons of people! There was even mulled wine, which we mulled over at length. It was very fancy!
If you missed it, shame on you! Just kidding - I'm sure you had bunion surgery or a big court date or something. But you missed a heck of a party! Click on any of the pictures to the right for a slideshow that will surely entice you to join us next year.
The party would not have been the awesome fun time it was without the loyal and determined efforts of our fantastic party committee. These volunteers worked over the course of the last few months, giving up precious evenings and weekend time, to make sure we had a funtastic getdown. All our thanks go to this sterling team:
- Celia Chung
- Wendee Crofoot
- Carolyn Helmke
- Melissa Hippard
- Dave Jones
- Janet LaFleur
- Jack Miller
- Monica Schwenke
- Sue Young
The party committee was responsible for everything from the slide show and music to the donated food, beer, and raffle items. They made the night!
Speaking of donations, we'd also like to thank these Mountain View businesses for feeding everyone:
- Trader Joe's
- Safeway
- Bianchini's
- Chipotle
- Hobee's
- Noah's Bagels
- Whole Foods
- Costco
We even had an SVBC member cook up some food. Thank you Erik Lindskog for contributing to the feast!
Of course, as is true of everything SVBC does, we could not have pulled this off without help from an extraordinary group of volunteers. Can you imagine, volunteering at a party that is being hosted to celebrate YOU? These are some very dedicated people we have the pleasure of working with. Thank you so much:
- Kermit Cuff
- Lee Damico
- Dave Erskine
- April Frederick
- Jon Graff
- Mike Harding
- Tian Harter
- Nicole Belle Isle
- Janet Lafleur
- Janet Portley
- Margaret Pye
- Rob Robinson
- Cathy Serrano
- Michael Tam
- Dora Tello
- Marco Velasco
- Rich Withers
Thanks to you all for a great 2012!