MInutes of October 4, 2012 San Mateo County Committee meeting

Meeting was held at Sabor Colibri in Redwood City

Chairperson: John Langbein
Participants: Mike Harding, Adina Levin, Karen Davis, Bob Cronin, Steve Schmidt, Bob Page, Margaret Pye
Staff: Colin Heyne
Guests: Brad Baker
Secretary: Mike Harding

Meeting began at 6:45 PM

1) Introductions were made.
2) Mike Harding will take minutes.
3) Minutes of the July meeting were approved.
4) Staff Report; Colin Heyne
Safe Routes to Schools in San Mateo County: There are 18 schools now hosting bike/ped events, including Ravenswood, Belmont and Redwood Shores.

One Bay Area Grant was discussed at the C/CAG BPAC meeting last month. Some communities are prepared for project submission and some need to complete their Complete Streets Plan. Question: How can SVBC provide input? We need to approach each city without one to create a functioning BPAC. Adina Levin: We need to look at what East Bay Bike Coalition is doing. There are a number of small cities there without BPACs. The Menlo Park Bike Commission is one example of a format.
How do cities get input on individual projects? Projects between jurisdictions get extra ranking points. There is $11M total provided for OBAG projects, of which $5M comes from the Congestion Management/Air Quality fund for Bike-Ped projects. We need to look at cities needing help with BPACs and project definition, possibly Millbrae, Burlingame and Redwood City. What does the County Bike Plan say?

5) Issues and Local Reports:
Stanford General Use Plan funds: John Langbein: The SVBC Policy Committee endorsed the Adobe Creek Bike-ped overcrossing and the Ravenswood Bay Trail connection for funding from the $10.5M Stanford agreed to pay to mitigate on-campus development. Park Blvd bike route improvement may not qualify, as it is not recreational. Support for Stanford’s Perimeter Trail was split, and much of it is maintenance, rather than new facility, arguably. Santa Clara Co. Bd of Supv meeting is Nov. 6th to give public input.

Alpine/I-280 bike lanes; John Langbein: Public Works is gathering funds, thanks to the recommendations of two Supervisors. PW is revisiting the design options of 2011, with versions D2 and D3 to decide from. (Sec’y’s note: bike pocket lane between two thru lanes & one right- turn or pocket lane between one thru land & two right-turn lanes.)

Farm Hill Blvd: Redwood City’s Public Wks is considering a lane diet for the uphill section of Farm Hill Bl, eliminating one car lane each way and creating bike lanes with buffers. Local workshops have brought local fears of congestion. A pilot project is sought as a trial.

El Camino Real, Atherton: There are several hazardous crosswalks on ECR, with two pedestrians hit recently. Crossing trials were videoed recently and can be seen on YouTube. The Atherton Mayor was prompted to ask for input from advocates. Question: Should RWC be involved also? We need to email the Mayor and get Andrew Boone’s input from his meeting.

Woodside Rd @ I-280; John Langbein: Road construction narrowed the uphill bike lane to 2 ft with barriers. After a letter, the barriers were moved to give 4 ft. Beth Thomas is the new Caltrans Dist. 4 Bike Coordinator, replacing Ina Gerhard. Bob Cronin: Thomas was good as Pedestrian Coordinator and has researched CycleTracks in Europe.

The “Bikes Must Exit” sign on northbound Middlefield Rd at Marsh in Atherton is improper. An email to the Mayor and Public Works is needed.

The Ralston bike trail has been repaired, but in a half-hearted fashion. Action?


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