Ask the candidates: Rich Gordon

It's election season again, and SVBC has been working with our local teams to prepare questions for candidates running for office in our area. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, SVBC cannot and does not endorse any candidate, but we can ask them for their thoughts on promoting the bike for everyday use and share the answers.

Our San Mateo County Committee reached out to candidates running for city, county, and state offices. The responses will be published as they are received.

From Rich Gordon, candidate for the California Assembly in District 24 :

1. Where do you see bikes fitting into the overall transportation plan?

Bicycles are an increasingly popular mode of transportation and local and state government should determine how best to include this mode of transportation into the overall transportation plan – increasing access to bike lanes, bike racks, and space for bikes on public transportation.

2. If elected, what are three things that you would do to improve cycling opportunities for your constituents?

  • Maintain and increase access to bicycle lanes and bicycle parking.
  • Support public awareness campaigns to increase education about bicycle use and safety.
  • Explore opportunities for bike sharing programs.

3. What have you done or worked on in the past that shows your record of being involved in bicycle, active transportation, or road/trail improvement campaigns?

As a County Supervisor, I was a member of the Transportation Authority and fought to increase funding for bicycle/pedestrian activities in the Measure A tax renewal.

4. With dedicated funding for cycling projects under fire on the regional, state, and federal level, what would you do to keep those dollars flowing?

I will work with my constituents on how we can best use the current – and limited - transportation dollars to serve the most Californians to support all modes of sustainable travel.

5. This past year's legislative session included a few bills that addressed issues of concern to cyclists. How did you vote on the following bills and why?

  • 3-foot passing (SB1464) - I voted Yes to increase safety for bicyclists
  • Better Bikeway Design Bill (AB 819) - I voted Yes to provide flexibility in planning.
  • Environmental review exemption for bikeways (AB 2245) - I abstained from voting. Last year, I took a policy position of abstaining on all CEQA exemption bills because I wanted to see a comprehensive CEQA reform.

Action Alert: Support SVBC's recommendations to Santa Clara County Supervisors


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