Ask the candidates: Joe Rutherford

It's election season again, and SVBC has been working with our local teams to prepare questions for candidates running for office in our area. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, SVBC cannot and does not endorse any candidate, but we can ask them for their thoughts on promoting the bike for everyday use and share the answers.

Our San Mateo County Committee reached out to candidates running for city, county, and state offices. The responses will be published as they are received.

From Joe Rutherford, candidate for East Palo Alto City Council:

1. Where do you see bikes fitting into the overall transportation plan?

Bicycle riders play an important part my community. They help decrease the carbon emissions in the environment that cars give off. It is imperative that there are bike lanes for safe travel in the community.

2. If elected, what are three things that you would do to improve cycling opportunities for your constituents?

I would make sure there are safe routes to travel and post signs to acknowledge bike lanes. I want East Palo Alto to be bike rider friendly.

3. What have you done or worked on in the past that shows your record of being involved in bicycle, active transportation, or road/trail improvement campaigns?

I served on the Dumbarton Rail Corridor Board from 2006 to 2008.

4. With dedicated funding for cycling projects under fire on the regional, state, and federal level, what would you do to keep those dollars flowing?

I would seek funding from state, local and federal levels to ensure bicyclists continue to exercise their rights to use cycling as their mode of transportation.


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Action Alert: Support SVBC's recommendations to Santa Clara County Supervisors