Minutes of July 25, 2012 San José Team meeting

These minutes are DRAFT until approved by the San José Team at the next meeting.

San Jose Team Meeting Minutes – July 25, 2012

In attendance: Erik Lindskog, Martin Delson, Joe Silva, Ann Jasper, Colin Heyne (SVBC staff), Emy Mendoza, John Hildebrand, Katja Irvin, Peter Hamilton

  1. Introductions

  2. Agenda review / modifications (3 items added – see below)
    Policy Advisory Committee update:

    • Will probably do candidate questionnaires again for November. Mention that city teams could drive this as those who are knowledgeable about issues in each city. No action items yet.
    • Ongoing issue with Stanford bike trail project. It is taking a lot of staff and volunteer time and has been delayed again.
    • Policy Advisory Committee (and Membership Advisory Committee) is looking for new members. Please volunteer.
  3. Approve May minutes

  4. New website features – Colin

    • Colin will be tagging items for this page (agendas, minutes, etc)
    • We should all sign up for the website. We can add content.
    • SJ Team agrees it’s okay to post minutes as draft before they are approved
  5. Review of bike share meeting – attendees

    • Attendees shared what they learned about the program – how it will work with credit cards, how many bikes, etc.
    • Colin said he learned that the project has been delayed due to timing of the contract with the vendor. He heard it will not open until January 2013.
  6. Latest on "Bikes may use full lanes" signs – Martin

    • Martin researched cost. Documents show $226/sign. It is not known if this is for a new sign with post or just a new sign on an existing post.
    • No one has added locations to the spreadsheet in Google Groups. More location suggestions are needed.
    • Once we have a list of locations we need to determine a method to prioritize those locations. Please think about possible evaluation criteria for next meeting.
    • Martin asked if we think it is appropriate for these signs to replace “share the road” signs on two-lane streets where bikes will impede car traffic. The team agreed that this is the most important place for such signs, especially along city-designated bike routes.
  7. Bike planning event – Katja

    • Event will be on the evening of Wednesday September 5 at Faber’s Cyclery in the outdoor courtyard. Will be posted on SVBC website shortly. Register through EventBrite at www.eventbrite.com/event/3669495560.
    • May need volunteers to help clean up the courtyard for an hour over Labor Day weekend. Joe/Martin probably available; Emy/John maybe available.
      Added Items:
  8. Upcoming public outreach meeting on Hedding Bike Lanes

    • Thursday August 2 at Joyce Ellington Library
    • Colin says this is important because it’s the first place the City would take out parking for a bike lane. Some people from SJ Team should attend.
  9. Report on city hall green team commute alternatives meeting

    • There was one attendee who was interested in rides in southeast San Jose. Emy said she would follow up with him. There was general interest by the Team to help organize something. Emy will follow up.
    • Colin noted that SVBC has insurance to cover rides and can lead rides.
  10. Think Bike Workshop

    • These are run by the Dutch Cycling Embassy out of the Dutch Embassy. They will run a public workshop and then pick a group to focus on two specific projects over two full days.
    • Cost is $28,000. City will pay half. Criteria for program is that bike coalition must be involved. Will be happening around October 22 or some time in November. SJ will be paired with Austin TX.
  11. Event on Bicycle Friendly Business Districts

    • April Economides from Long Beach will be in town soon to talk about their program to promote bicycle friendly business districts. Colin will send info to the team. Katja will apply for CM credits.
  12. Next meeting - roles and topics
    Emy will chair the meeting; Martin will take minutes

Action Items:
1. Everyone should register for a login on the SVBC website
2. Everyone should add locations to the spreadsheet on Google groups with locations for new Bikes May Use Full Lanes signs
3. Everyone should think of criteria for prioritizing locations for Bikes May Use Full Lanes signs
4. Martin will send information/reminder about adding and prioritizing locations
5. Colin will post APA bike planning event on website
6. Members will attend Hedding Street bike lanes meeting on August 2
7. Emy will follow up with city employee about ride in Rose Herrera’s district
8. Colin will send info about Bicycle Friendly Business Districts event
9. Katja will apply for CM credits for event about Bicycle Friendly Business Districts


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